5 Solid Signs It's Time to Get Asphalt Driveway Repair

5 Solid Signs It's Time to Get Asphalt Driveway Repair

5 Solid Signs It's Time to Get Asphalt Driveway Repair

A driveway full of cracks or holes can damage your car. Take a look at these five signs that mean it's time to get some quality asphalt driveway repair.

Keyword(s): driveway repair

Wondering if it's time to repair or replace your asphalt driveway?

According to expert recommendations, an asphalt driveway typically lasts anywhere from 12 to 20 years before it needs replacing. But, it will need regular maintenance at much more frequent intervals in order for your driveway to remain suitable during the time between replacements.

Driveway repair is a common solution to fix cracks, fissures, and other issues without undergoing a complete overhaul.

If you are questioning whether your driveway needs immediate attention, we can help.

Read on to find out the signs that tell you when it's time to repair your drive!

5 Solid Signs it's Time for Driveway Repair

When your driveway starts showing signs of wear and tear, it can be tempting to turn a blind eye to the fact it may need repairing. But, that may lead to bigger, and more expensive, issues in the not-so-distant future.

It's better to nip problems in the bud as soon as possible to avoid further damage. When you don't address repairing your driveway head-on, you run the risk of having to replace it in its' entirety long before expected.

Here are five signs to watch for if you want to extend the life of driveway and make sure it looks its' best.

1. Surface Cracks

Depending on the nature of the crack, it may just call for a quick fix. Cracks that are less than 1/4" wide are easy to repair with a liquid crack filler. You might even choose to perform this repair yourself.

But, if you notice major cracks appearing, it could signal that you have a deeper problem on your hands. You may need a full depth reclamation to fix these bad boys. In which case, your best bet is to seek professional advice.

2. Potholes

Potholes are more than just an eye-sore. They can wreak havoc on your driveway, and may also be hard on your vehicle, as well.

Once a pothole occurs, it will collect rain and water, which will seep into the undersurface of your drive. Then, your driveway's foundation may soften, and you might start to notice an increase in cracks and other damage.

If you only notice one or two, you can try repairing the holes by patching them. But, if you notice more, or if the holes are deep, it could mean that it's time to replace your asphalt.

Still, patching potholes might prevent you from having to replace the asphalt immediately. And, it will save your tires, too.

3. Stains and Fading

Stains and fading are bound to occur with age. However, this type of damage isn't very attractive.

Sealcoating your driveway can help to maintain its' appearance and protect it from future stains and fading.

Although some sources recommend that you seal your driveway every year, experts advise that every two to three years is usually fine.

4. Slow to Drain

If you notice that water is collecting, rather than draining, it can be hard to tell the extent of the problem at first glance.

Instead, refer your problem to the pros to find out exactly what you're dealing with and what will be necessary to remedy the issues you're facing.

5. Loose or Missing Pieces Around Border

You may notice chunks of asphalt breaking off around the driveway's edge. Should this occur, you will need to remove the damaged areas and replace them with new asphalt.

Need Help Assessing Your Driveway Damage?

If you're worried about driveway repair, we can help.

It never hurts to get a professional opinion about your less-than-perfect drive.

Contact us today to get expert advice about your driveway dilemma!