Planning Ahead: Everything You Need To Know About Construction Sitework

Planning Ahead: Everything You Need To Know About Construction Sitework

Everything You Need To Know About Sitework In Construction

Sitework in construction is a necessity for success. We share everything you need to know about sitework and how it operates.

Keyword(s): sitework

You can't build a city on rock an' roll (sorry Jefferson Starship).

But you can build a city on a solid foundation. And a solid foundation starts with sitework.

Preparing a building site is just as important as framing the walls and shingling the roof. If you want your home or office to stay put for many years, invest in site preparation.

In this article, we'll discuss everything you need to know about construction sitework.

Why Is Sitework Important?

Sitework is any work done on a building site before the actual building takes place. This may or may not include plumbing, drainage, and utility installation.

Stable ground is one of the most important elements in building construction. The more stable the ground, the longer the building stands. And the fewer issues you'll have to fix in the future like foundation sagging and sinking.

Plus, sitework ensures a level building. Without a level site, the building won't be as stable. And you'll notice the difference by how the building looks and feels.

The Elements of Sitework

There are a few essential elements that go into good sitework. Let's take a closer look at these now.


The first part of the process is to clear the area. Your contractor will remove all bushes, plants, and trees from the building site.

In a heavily wooded area, this takes longer and costs more because of the need to remove large trees. Not only do they have to cut down the trees, but they have to take out the stumps and roots too.

It's important to check out local regulations for clearing before you start. Some areas restrict cutting down certain trees or plants.


Contractors excavate the area to remove excess soil. This might mean cutting down the side of a hill to make room for the new building. Or digging out a hole to house a new septic system.

You'll usually see a large excavator on site while this is done. Extra dirt is removed from the site or used to fill in low spots.

It's also important during excavation to clear anything that showed up after the clearing process. This might include old roots from dead trees. Or large rocks buried underground.


Once the soil is in the right place, it's time to level it. Your contractor uses a backhoe or a skid loader to move the dirt to the proper places. Then they'll use a construction leveling device to ensure that the foundation is level all the way across.

Another important part of leveling is to create a graded slope. This means that water always runs away from the building instead of toward it.

During excavation, they add dirt to low spots to ensure that they are at a high enough grade. This dirt is then smoothed out during the leveling process to make sure the slope is not too steep or too shallow.


During the excavation process, the soil becomes displaced, making it softer and less stable. And the larger the soil particles, the less stable the soil. Stabilizing the soil ensures that there are no air pockets or holes hiding below the top layer of dirt.

The contractor uses a heavy roller to compact the soil. It can also be done with a vibration compactor.

Prepare the Site for the Best Results

If you want your home to last a lifetime, you'll need solid sitework before you build. A great sitework contractor prepares the building site by clearing out trees and brush first.

Then they excavate the area to build up a proper grade. And they ensure that the site is level so that there are no issues with sagging or sinking. Finally, they compact the soil and do fine grading work so that the site is ready to go for the next step.

At Perrin Construction, we are sitework specialists! We take quality and safety seriously when we work on your construction site. Contact us today to learn more about our sitework services.